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BMW X5 Upgrade

2019 BMW X5 external 5

BMW has made a major upgrade to their X5 SUV.  David Brown reviews its luxury and innovative features

The X5 has been the top selling large luxury SUV for well over a decade.

The latest model is like sitting in a lounge room with great comfort and ambience.

The digital dials and infotainment controls are comprehensive yet easy to use. BMW has improved in this area.

The top of the line model has a diesel engine with 4 turbocharges which makes for great power a smooth delivery.

If you drive forwards into a situation, such as a steep twisting driveway, the car remembers the steering moves and can repeat them in the reverse order when you back out without you touching the wheel.

Priced from just under $113,000 to $150,000 plus on roads.

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