Hearing’ What Commuters Are ‘Not Saying’

What we need to know about Electric Scooters…Walking is good for the health. Sitting in a bus in standstill traffic during rush hour makes you want to scream your lungs out (as if to say, “help, I want to get off”). It is so stressful!

GP - Hearing what the commuters are not saying

What’s more, the desire to use an alternative mode of transportation in the city has gone to a deafening crescendo. What to do?

Here are the options: Walk a few kilometers, ride a bike from home or…ride an e-scooter to go to your destination. The good news is that the alternative that most people often choose and have comfortably adapted to in their daily lives are these personal mobility devices. 

They are popularly called electric scooters. Clearly, they have become one of the better, affordable, faster means of going around town, deftly avoiding traffic tangles, either to do quick errands, go to a meeting, be on time for work looking cool and savvy, and/or arrive sweet and swift in school. 

But are you aware what is considered as the most important thing about riding a scooter? Do you really know?

Read and learn. The answer just might surprise you. 

‘Hear’ and understand the most important points given, based on random feedback, by the riders themselves —

Media GTS

  1. Electric scooter riders would like to ride on bike lanes instead of pedestrian paths

Currently, all scooter riders mainly use designated footpaths. In order to make riding safe for both scooter lovers and pedestrians walking on the street, e-scooters should be allowed to ride on separated bicycle lanes. 

Australia’s city infrastructure are aplenty with cycling paths. E-scooter riders consider it to be actually easier and safer if they would be allowed access to it. Invariably, it would promote a safe environment for the pedestrians, e-scooter riders, and car drivers. Lawmakers should perhaps assess the possibility.

In Europe, there are already safe cycle paths in place, separated from pedestrians and cars. This is already a common phenomenon seen in those cities. In Helsinki, Finland, there are more than 1,300 km of cycle paths today, including 20 km of cycle highways. 

  1. Having a safe and sturdy electric scooter is very important

For the rider, the e-scooter mainly replaces the car and public transport. Despite the fact that the main traffic accidents happen with cars, there are people that consider feeling quite safe in cars. Micro-mobility culture is still relatively young in many countries though, which is why people are still learning how to navigate safely. 

The sense of security that riding an electric scooter has been contributed mostly to the wide foot surface or the deck, which, when one feels comfortable upon stepping on it, and upon gripping the handlebars, they are steady and not at all wobbly – helps to keep the rider gain his balance and improve his posture allowing the rider to focus his attention on the road ahead.

  1. Price – it should be affordable

Let’s face it. The steadily rising prices of fuel compels everyone to think if it is still reasonable or even to drive a car. Early on, the necessity to find alternative solutions has opened minds. 

The electric scooter has already replaced the taxi, including the use of many private cars, as commuters have attested. How is this so? The price of the scooter has become an important motivator. When you get down to the brass task, buying an e-scooter is far more cheaper than buying a car, and hiring a taxi or hailing a bus. Plus, the maintenance cost is almost nil.

RS media

  1. Able to ride in comfort

Do you know what the main enemies of an e-scooter rider are? Curbs, potholes, and bumpy roads. Mearth’s e-scooters have pneumatic tires wide and strong enough that work well against curbs and other obstacles – just like shock absorbers. 

According to riders, they get a sense of comfort from the wide 10” pneumatic tires of their Mearth S Pro or RS electric scooters. 

Inevitably, curbs and potholed roads are a part of riding an e-scooter. Aside from the wide pneumatic tires, having a stable handlebar also makes the trip more pleasant. The strong metal handlebar keeps the rider steady while on the road. Riding a sturdy e-scooter makes the journey significantly more comfortable, whether one is in high heels or sneakers. 

  1. Assurance of high quality that translates to excellent performance

Electric scooter owners, themselves riders, need to know where the components of the e-scooter come from, like who is the manufacturer of the scooter. And it is a very valid point. They may not be very vocal about it, but this aspect was one of the most critical points answered by and among those who responded. In fact, people are really interested in where the scooter comes from and what its ecological impact is to the city and its environs. 

For example, a durable electric scooter frame or hard-wearing structure promises long lifespan, and the quality of the e-scooter definitely increases people’s confidence in the brand. Mearth Technologies enjoys this positive brand image and reputation, being a pioneer and homegrown brand in Australia — highly esteemed, popular and well-loved, for its top-performing, high quality, powerful and very durable personal mobility devices. Mearth continues to innovate, and in fact, contributes to zero carbon emission, thus, it does no harm to the environment. 

All the above thoughts running through the minds of different respondents, who are also electric scooter enthusiasts or riders, are unmistakable indications that there is full trust on a superior quality two-wheeled vehicle like the Mearth e-scooter, because – take a listen – those attributes INSTILL A SENSE OF SECURITY in the rider on his choice of electric scooter. 

In the long and short of it, it matters a lot, because this speaks “loudly” how its citizens takes pride in a society that truly cares for its people, and one that embraces a sustainable environment.

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