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Hyundai Motor Updates ‘Strategy 2025’

Hyundai Strategy 2025 fits another trend in 2020,  how vehicle manufacturers are positioning themselves, in the customer’s mind, for the future of motoring.

In the past, the image of “the future” was a series of fanciful dreams from the marketing department based on doddles from the design studio.

There is still some of this, but Hyundai, for example, is now promoting its ‘Strategy 2025’ to Accelerate Transition into a Smart Mobility Solution Provider

The strategy builds on three pillars: Smart Mobility Device, Smart Mobility Service and H2 Solutions.

That they are talking about mobility means they are pushing much more than horsepower and handling to consider how they might help customers get around in a practical way that may not always include owning or driving a car.

This is a response to car companies that have burnt their credibility with over optimistic projects about when fully autonomous vehicles will be available

Im David Brown

Motoring Minutes are heard around Australia every day on over 50 radio channels through the Torque Radio networkMotoring Minutes have an average daily audience of over 150,000 listeners. Motoring Minutes are also broadcast as part of Overdrive Radio Program, which is broadcast through the Community Radio Network across Australia and has a weekly audience of over 450,000.

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