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Land Rover iGuide technology

Land Riover iGuideLand Rover iGuide

The rate of technological development in cars is rapid and sometimes miond boggling. It seems that the rush towards information and connectivity is unstoppable. The latest comes from Land Rover. David Brown takes up the story

With infotainment systems and fancy controls, it is a struggle to get use to a modern car.

Fortunately, the new 2019 Range Rover Sport SVR, released in the UK has an app called .

With the app, you can move your phone around the car and point to areas that you need to understand better. If, for example, you point to the sun-roof controls, you’ll see highlights on those buttons.  All you then do is click on these highlights, and it will show you the correct section of the manual.

Apparently, the technology has been around for some but the real test will be if, eventually, we can free up the glove box by having a 500 page or more manual.

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