Pros and Cons Of Switching To Electric Vehicles

PRO and Cons of EV 1 Electric vehicles are becoming more popular than ever. So much that you’ll probably at least see one in your neighborhood, despite the fact that not so long ago they seemed to be something of tomorrow and not today.

Still, with the massive amount of perks they’ve gathered under one roof, it is difficult to turn away from buying one. Especially when you hear about the eco-friendly traits they hold. It almost seems like a dream, that even companies are unable to turn from producing some themselves.

Although, given that we, the people, have been so used to diesel, gas and petrol run vehicles, we’re still finding it hard to make that transition and adjust. Also finding it difficult to have enough charging stations to occupy us all. Just as it is with anything, there are pros, but also the cons. Here they are.

Pros of switching

The pros are certain to have you won over, as they are many and charitable to this earth and its inhabitants.

●     Cheaper to run

It seems that electricity is nowhere near as expensive as petrol, and it even lasts more. Which makes switching sound reasonable as it serves the economical aspect of the pros. Electric Vehicles run at one third of the cost of petrol.

●     Less frequent maintenance

It may come as a surprise to you to find out that Electric Vehicles don’t need as much moving parts as conventional vehicles do. No more oil changes, and even the brakes don’t wear off as quickly.

●     Better for the environment

The obvious pro is the benefits it brings to the environment. These vehicles don’t have an exhaust system, which means there is zero emission. Unlike the many other different types of conventional vehicles that are hell-bent on building onto the growing greenhouse-gas predicament. They’re healthier for us and the environment. They’re also very quiet,

PRO and Cons of EV 1

Cons of switching

While there are a few good and, I’m not going to lie, appealing reasons for why you should make the switch, you may want to stick around for that next part. Seeing that it’s not all good.

●     Not as eco-friendly as most may think

A lot of people may not have known of the dirty business of getting the said vehicle’s batteries. According to a study done by German professionals, electric vehicles can produce more CO2 than diesel, which is a great many of the deadly gas. Especially as the mining of those rare minerals uses a lot of coal generated electricity.

●     Recharging can take a while and they don’t last

With petrol, you only stay at the station for no longer than a few minutes and you’re done. That’s not the case with Electric Vehicles, as you’ll find that they can take up a lot of your time. Some can take anywhere from 15 to a ridiculous 20 hours. They also can’t sustain long travels, as most only have a capacity to drive for 60-100 miles. However, some can take you up to 200 and even 300 miles. Which is a little bit better.

These cars, which are a relatively new concept to us, do have their flaws. However, they do mostly good than bad, but it can prove to be a large initial investment, with an average range of 40-80 thousand dollars. Although, they are a step in the right direction, and with time they can prove to be flawless.


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