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World premiere for the new Golf digitalised connected and intelligent

VW GolfVolkswagen is about to a new Golf onto the world market.  They say it is all new including some hybrid models.  And, as David Brown reports, there is an Australian link.

Volkswagen has revealed the details of their 2020 a new Golf –the 8th generation of the vehicle.

They say they have “started a hybrid offensive” with “five hybrid drive versions”.

It uses some 48-volt technology: it has a digital dash board to help the driver to operate the vehicle more intuitively.

And it has a Car2X system: this allows connected cars from any manufacturer to broadcast information in real-time, warning other enabled vehicles of hazards on the road ahead, or the proximity of an emergency vehicle trying to make its way through traffic.

This technology was developed by and Australian company Cohda Wireless whose headquarters are in Adelaide.


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